Trying New Things...Lately

I know it's been a while since I posted anything in my "trying new things" series...but I get a break for birthing a child, right? And then another one for adjusting to life with said child? And then another one to catch up on some sleep? And another for the holidays? And then maybe a final one, just for good measure?

Yeah, I totally do.

But I've missed these posts, and I want to start having them regularly again. So, no time like the present, eh, Pacha? Here are some things I've tried out lately...

Thermos Funtainer Bottles

As much as I tried to be super prepared for the older girls to start school a few months ago, there are some things that I, as a newbie school mom, just didn't think about. One of these things was water bottles. Both Maddy's Kindergarten teacher and Charly's preschool teacher requested that they take a water bottle to school with them each day. I started my search at Target (because Target), and was lucky enough to find these right off the bat.

These are the perfect kids water bottles, I swear. They keep the water cold for several hours (advertised up to 12, I'd say more like 8). They open easily: just push that silver button on the top and it pops right open. There's a nice flow of liquid through the straw. They don't leak! And they come in tons of different styles with different characters on the outside, which my kids love (especially since I don't buy them too many "daily use" things with characters on them, as a matter of personal preference). 

So, if you know a kid that might love a water bottle of their very own, try these out!

Fisher Price Rock 'n Play

Having had four children now, I think I have at least a little credibility when it comes to baby products and whether or not they are "worth it," and let me tell you, this thing is worth it.

It comes in different variations and patterns, all at different price points and such, but I got this one pictured above for about $40. 

So why do I love it? Well, Amelia sleeps in it, so there's that. For the first couple months, we were able to keep this right next to our bed so she was within arm's reach. It lets her sleep at an incline, which I think has helped with some of the tummy troubles she's had. It has a vibrating feature, but Amelia doesn't seem to prefer it on or off. Oh, and it doesn't play music (am I the only one that is super annoyed by the music products like this usually play? It drives me nuts!). It's also very portable: it folds easily, and it's extremely lightweight, so I can carry it up and down stairs, move it from room to room, and take it to Grandma's house without any fuss. I'd say I prefer it over a swing because of this portability.

If you've got a baby on the way, or need a gift for someone who does, look no further, because this is perfect. 

Murad Renewing Cleansing Cream

My skin is a tricky little devil. When I was younger, it was on the more oily side, and I'd have breakouts fairly often. As I got older, it became truly "combination," with dry patches on my cheeks and forehead. Last winter though, I noticed that there was a general tightness in my face that I wasn't used to, and it wasn't going away. I was a little weirded out by it, to be honest, until I finally realized: my skin was dry!

I always do waaaay too much research before buying skin care and beauty products, so I was very familiar with the Murad name and was planning on trying their stuff out once my normal cleanser ran out, but with the sudden skin change, I went for it right away. And I'll tell you what -- I'm a believer.

This gives my skin a really healthy look and feel. It's fixed all the dryness but hasn't overcompensated and made my skin oily. It supposedly helps with aging, which I'm starting to think about. A tiny drop of it foams up a lot and goes a long way, so the bottle lasts forever. It's basically a really high quality product without a (huge) sticker shock. Even if my skin changes its mind again and decides to not be dry anymore, I think I'll be sticking with Murad cleansers. They've got

tons of different options for all different kinds of skin

, and they're all very highly rated.


It's cool to just have an entire store on this list, right?

I first discovered Soma when my sister declared her love for their

nursing bras

. Since I was in the market for nursing bras, I stopped into a store to get fitted and try them out. And holy cow, guys, these make my sad Target nursing bras look like...sad Target nursing bras.

This is the style

I ended up with. They fit well, are supportive and comfortable, are easy to clip and unclip, and have lasted through constant wear and countless washes without stretching out, tearing, or losing their shape (all problems I've had with other nursing bras). Make sure to buy two, because they're 1 for $46 or 2 for $60, and you know, math and stuff.

I also treated myself to a couple other things from Soma that I've ended up loving. Their

Embraceable Cool Nights pajama collection

is level-WOW soft and comfy. It's like a silky smooth knit fabric, and it is amazing.

I also treated myself to

this robe

, which is also made from that Embraceable Cool Nights fabric, and honestly might be my very most favorite thing in my closet. Hahahahahaha...haha....but seriously. I bought it right before Amelia was born. I wore it in the hospital and all around my house right after her arrival, and it was the perfect comfy cozy postpartum friend.

Soma's got plenty of other things (swimwear, loungewear, shapewear, underwear...pretty much all the "wears") that I haven't yet tried, but I honestly LOVE the things I do have and recommend them any chance I get (like right now!).

And there's a little glimpse at some things I've tried lately. Any insight? Questions? Concerns? Recommendations? Feedback? Limericks? Everyone loves a good limerick.

(P.S. None of these links are sponsored links or affiliate links. They're links.)